“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my [brimming] cup runs over.” Psalm 23:5
Many people have this Psalm memorized, but have you thought about this? “…in the presence of my enemies.” Well, I don’t know of any people who are my enemies. I don’t about you. For the guy who wrote this Psalm, there were real enemies who were seeking his life. For me, well who or what are my enemies?
So, I started thinking about this. My enemies are invisible to my natural eyes. My enemies are things like fear, doubt, and deception. Your enemies may be different.
“You prepare a table before me…” So, in the midst of these enemies, God has prepared a table for me- even in the presence of fear, doubt, and deception.
What are you enemies? Do you see the banquet that God has prepared for you, even in the presence of your enemies? He’s spread the table before you.
It kind of changes your perspective when you see God’s provision spread out before you.
Sure the enemies may still be there, but the focus doesn’t have to be on them. It’s like, “Come on, there’s a banquet in front of me! Everything I need is right there!”
I’m completely provided for. The answers to my questions are there on the table. The weapons I need to fight those enemies are on the table. The nourishment that I need is there. The peace I need is there. On and on it goes…
What do you need? Look at the table that God has spread before you in the midst of your enemies. Step up and enjoy. Through Jesus Christ we are victorious!
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