Before Christmas I learned that tile was up on the walls, with plans to finish the floor after Christmas, in one of the bathrooms. (Yippee for progress!)
Today I found out what still needs to be completed and how much is needed for I want to share it with you, then if it's in your heart to do, you can get involved! =)
The total cost still needed is $3,500. This includes: stucco, 4 doors, 4 windows, finishing the boys bathroom, an area for washing, and the electrical connection by the power company.
To me that doesn't sound like a lot of money...I'm sure if we get behind this it could be done quickly. I know I'm personally doing something about this, and I hope you'll join me. It is going to be wonderful for the children to have a school building!
Thank you for taking the time to think about this opportunity to bless these precious children!
Have a happy New Year!!!! =D
Want to get involved? Here's what to do:
1) Make checks payable to Mutual Faith Ministries International (MFMI)
2) Clearly designate: For LIFE Unlimited Guatemala- School3) Mail to:
MFMI c/o LIFE Unlimited
P.O. Box 951060
Mission Hills, CA 91395-1060